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The Bean Counter with Ann M Irons, CPA

Tax Year 2024 Business/Individual Tax Returns

Ann Irons, CPA

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Foreign Investor's Guide to International Taxes

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Nov 18, 2014 12:50:00 PM

Foreign investment opportunities in the US appeal to investors across the globe, most commonly in the form of stocks, commercial property, or currency. As a citizen of a country other than the United States, you must be mindful of the tax requirements set by the Internal Revenue Services.

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Topics: Foreign Investment Tax, International Tax

Tax Planning Advice for Real Estate Lawyers

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Nov 13, 2014 5:06:00 PM

Like any business owner, a real estate lawyer who practices independently may be eligible for certain deductions when filing a tax return.

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Topics: Individual Income Taxes

Law Firm Accounting: Tips on Choosing an Accounting Method for Lawyers

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Nov 11, 2014 5:06:00 PM

In an earlier post, I introduced the sole proprietorship as an option for establishing a law practice.

If you’ve decided to structure your practice in such a way that you are the sole owner, your next decision is whether to use cash-basis or double-entry accounting to keep track of your revenue and expenses.

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Topics: Accounting for Lawyers

Accounting for Lawyers: Which Entity Is Best for Your New Law Practice?

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Nov 6, 2014 5:05:00 PM

Now that you’ve earned your law degree, it’s time to make one of the most important decisions of your career: Should you go solo and build a new practice from the ground up, partner with a fellow attorney, or secure a position as one of several attorneys at a larger practice?

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Topics: Accounting for Lawyers

Real Estate Law Firms Working with a CPA to Strengthen Your Case

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Nov 4, 2014 5:04:00 PM

Financial matters are a major source of contention among clients of real estate lawyers, whether it’s a dispute over property values, damages, or purchase prices.

To better serve your clients, you must be able to argue convincingly on their behalf. One way you can do this is by working with an accounting expert to strengthen your case.

Look for the Right Qualifications

Good: A generalist accountant with several years of professional experience can help explain key accounting and financial concepts in a way that is easily understood by non-accounting professionals, including clients, jurors, witnesses, and other experts involved in the case.

Better: A certified public accountant (CPA) with comparable experience. Why choose a CPA? For one thing, CPA candidates must pass the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Exam, a rigorous examination covering a broad range of accounting and financial topics. A CPA must complete extensive continuing education credits to remain in good standing and must also fulfill strict guidelines set in place by the state in which they practice.

Best: Your best bet is to enlist the services of a CPA who has specialized experience and expertise in an applicable field—in this case, real estate law practices.

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Topics: Accounting for Lawyers

Law Firm Accounting: What Every Attorney Should Know About GAAP

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Oct 30, 2014 11:32:00 AM

Attorneys, including those who specialize in real estate laws, should have a basic understanding of generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, to ensure that their clients meet all contractual provisions.

However, it takes more in-depth knowledge and experience to protect lawyers and their practice from problems arising from irresponsible or inaccurate accounting practices in daily operations.

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Topics: Accounting for Lawyers

Law Firm Billing: Real Estate Lawyers Up the Ante With Last-Minute Collections

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Oct 28, 2014 6:51:00 AM

With only a few months remaining in the year, it’s time to take a closer look at how much you’ve earned thus far. Of that, how much have you actually received?

At the office of CPA Ann Irons, a legal accountant in Holliston, MA, we see attorneys scrambling to collect unpaid fees before the end of their yearly accounting period. Unfortunately, this approach can be time-consuming and devastating to the financial health of your firm.

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Topics: Accounting for Lawyers

3 Reasons to Outsource Law Firm Accounting to a CPA

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Oct 23, 2014 6:48:00 AM

Like your fellow attorneys, you didn’t go to law school to become an accountant. That said, you can see how trying to handle accounting functions can get into the way of your true role of lawyer.

This is especially true in small practices that have limited human resources and a tight budget. Hiring a CPA for legal accounting services saves time and stress, allowing you to focus on your clients.

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International Tax Tips: Filing as an Immigrant

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Oct 20, 2014 10:22:00 AM

If you are a resident or non-resident alien earning income in the United States, you can expect to pay taxes to the IRS.

Depending on your status, you may not be able to use the same requirements and forms as someone who is a US citizen.

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Topics: Individual Income Taxes, International Tax

Financial Management Advice for Law Offices: Internal Controls

Posted by Ann Irons, CPA

Oct 16, 2014 10:21:00 AM

In an earlier post, Ann Irons explained how real estate lawyers can improve financial management through use of budgets, accounts receivables policy, and cash flow analysis. Irons, a CPA in Bellingham, MA, goes on to outline the benefits of internal controls and how they impact the financial health of your practice.

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Topics: Escrow Accounting

About Ann M. Irons, CPA LLC

AnnAnn has spent over 25 years in the financial service industry, gaining knowledge and experience that allows her to provide an array of tax, and accounting and advisory services for her clients. Relying on a stringent code of ethics and a dedication to maintaining the highest industry standards, Ann works hard to ensure her clients receive the quality service they’ve come to expect. A member of AICPA and MSCPA, Ann has also had an article featured in the renowned publication, Banker and Tradesman. 

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