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Tax Year 2024 Business/Individual Tax Returns

Individual Tax Preparation in Massachusetts

Do you need your current or past individual tax returns prepared?

individualtaxesIt is never too late to prepare your individual tax returns, and plan your taxes for the future. The goal is to ensure you only pay your fair share of state and federal taxes, and avoid incurring heavy interest and penalties as a result of not filing and paying on time.

The decision to prepare your taxes on your own is certainly admirable, but we don’t recommend it for most people. It is tempting to try to save money by doing your own tax preparation or using software that promises to get the job done, but you may end up spending more money in the long run by skipping out on professional tax preparation services offered by an experienced CPA.

Whether you work a full-time job, work several contract positions, or anything in between, we have the expertise to ensure you are receiving every applicable credit and deduction, while paying the government exactly what you owe.

Why Do Our Clients Hire Us?

Here's an example:  A client who hadn't filed their return for over 4 years was filled with fear - they had some complicated transactions related to their employer stock and didn't know how to file it on their taxes. They were worried they would do it wrong. This fear led to procrastination, which might have led to a bigger problem with the government had the client not hired us.

We were able to clean up the problem, and in doing so we discovered several mistakes that were made over the years that led to combined federal and state tax liability savings of over $25,000.

Generally speaking, we help people who have concerns about:

  • Getting audited
  • Paying too much in taxes to both the state and the federal government
  • Not knowing enough about the recent tax law changes
  • Getting notices from the government that they don't know how to resolve

Our job is to eliminate your concerns, allowing you to rest easy, knowing that your tax and accounting concerns are addressed. 

Ever-Changing IRS Code and Laws - How Would You Keep Up?

The tax code and laws change all the time. CPAs are required to renew their license every two years. One requirement for renewal is 80 hours of continuing education. In addition, all our staff participate in ongoing training on taxation and any updates to tax law – so you can rest assured your tax return will be prepared based on the latest guidance.

Deductions, Exemptions, and Penalties - Do You Know Enough to Ensure You Don't Overpay?

Our team will save you time and hassle, and you will rest easy knowing your returns were done correctly. Do you qualify for exemptions? Are you aware of every applicable deduction for your specific situation? Perhaps you have dependents that you claim every year – or maybe you are divorced and are not sure who will claim your children. Then there are student loans and scholarships, social security benefits, charitable contributions, inherited property, and money put into a retirement savings plan. We answer questions on these topics and more, on a daily basis.

Tax Planning - Are You Paying Too Much?

In addition to compliance services (i.e. tax filing), we also offer comprehensive deep-dive tax planning services. In this type of advisory engagement, we do a full analysis of your financial situation and look at different ways to lower your tax burden over your lifetime, not just for this year. We then help you implement any changes and check in with you to ensure you stay on track.